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6th Posting: Experience in Blogging

Posted by aisar87 on April 12, 2008

Assalamualaikum…hi everybody… 

This would be my last posting for language and information technology subject. I’m hoping that this only a starting to me for the next steps towards more and more posting onwards.

1. Do you think that blogging activity improves your writing skill?

Yes, the blogging activity did help me in improving my writing skills. As we all know, blogging is something that we frequently have to update all the new information and make an editing in time to time; so, as a result it does help me improving a lot in writing. Mostly, when we want to convey a massage or information necessarily we have to make sure that the sentence structure is accordingly in terms of to make sure that our content is meaningful and understandable. Consequently, we will be familiar with the sentence structure that has a proper position. For example, before this I only write an essay or a short story by using only a piece of paper and not doing it frequently as a result I’m always make a same mistake again and again with only a little of improvements. Besides, in blogging generally most of the idea that we have to elaborate is something that have a complex and comes in a compact information; in that cases to shorten the idea we have to make an summarizing for each information that we were responsible to do so. First, we have to search the main idea then find some example and lastly create a new passage or text that contain a complete and understandable information without  missing any important idea. By doing this such activity, we now know how to make an appropriate summary. Furthermore, not forgetting in blogging we are not narrowing only in the same scope, we will as hard as we could doing something that can interact people read our blogging; on that matter, we did searching for a new and fresh information. As a result, I do get lots of new vocabulary and know how to use it semantically.

2. Do you think that blog is a useful learning experience for you?

The blogging activity gives me lots of useful experience and it also enjoyable and effectively helps me in learning language study. While completing a task I need to search information due to the internet as well as in the books; and for that matter I have encountered the technology world repeatedly which make me really enjoy and feel free to get new information. As we all know, internet nowadays is everything. We can get everything only by typing a key word then the internet engine will search the information for us, in only a few seconds we will get the information immediately. What an enjoyable work that we have do, there is no a word difficult anymore in finding a new information. Other than that, we do learn a new skill like how to make a multimedia slideshow or video, how to upload all sort of things and many others new things. Blogging is a great an effective way to all students to develop themselves in things that relate on ICT technology. Let us keep on blogging in order to make sure that we are always standing still in this development country.

3. What do you think that you need to know before you can complete the blogging activity successfully?

In completing a blogging activity we need to plan properly what we want to do first. First, we need to search information due to the internet and find it in a magazines or books, for example like the task concordance; we have to find out the article about concordance and make an analysis. After that, we will filter all the information that we have found and choosing only the important idea which has a relation to our task; then afterwards we can post it to the blog. Sometimes, there’s  a task that we need to write it in the Microsoft word first then after that we can post it, it is necessarily done by this such procedure because we want to make sure that the sentence structure and the word order in an appropriate order because as usual in the blog there’s no grammatical checker inside it. We need to come up with a variety of ways in order to finishing our task. Other than that, commonly the blog space are already consist a variety of features that they provide to the consumer to use it in order to make our blog is more interesting and enjoyable to use. There are the features where bloggers can use to complete their blog are like a variety of templates, a video, an audio, picture, slideshow and many more features. Before I’m using all the features I have to make sure first what are the criteria that we have to identify are like the kind of the video and pictures whether it is allowed to upload or not. Overall, before you want to make any changes on your blog learn first from the provider which they provide an asking space to the bloggers.

4. What are your problems that you face using blog?

Problems are always occurring while completing each task. For the second posting we were completed a task which the task is about the computer assisted writing. In that matter, we have a problem in finding a suitable article and URL address in terms of making about how computer assist us  in writing. Other posting that make us encounter lots of difficulty are the 3rd posting and the 4th posting. For the first time I thought that using an online journal is easy, but when I’m starting searching information through that medium unfortunately it is not as easy as I think, yet it is so hard to find information according to what topic that we want to search. I think it is not because the online databases didn’t provide an enough content it is just me myself don’t have the skills on how to find the information. Whether we have to use keyword or just browse the first clause or sentence that we want. Alhamdulillah. I did learn a lot from it. Now I know how to use the online databases in the right way. In addition, not only having a problem while posting a task, I also having a problem in designing my blog by using a templates and putting a picture or a slideshow. Sometimes, I have to go to others sites in terms of searching a new templates or slideshow URL to decorate my blog. It takes a couple of days to fulfill the things that want to do. This all challenging process is actually does help me a lot about the used of ICT skills in present our space with the creative way.


5. Will you tell your friends, recommend to others about blogging?

Honestly, blogging is an interesting activity so absolutely I will tell my to those who love to write and fill free to share some information and about themselves to other people. Due to the development of ICT world nowadays everyone are using this kind of virtual medium to express themselves in terms of many purposes. Not to crucial that I say, each person in this world must have their own space to develop themselves and to make  sure that they always feels curious about what happening around them. Only by entering this kind of space people can give and share whatever they want and sometimes there’s also use the blog as their personal journal which they might consist it with every sort of things that might be interesting to people out there to read.

6. Now that you are able to blog online will you continue using it even after the SKBP is over?

Definitely I will continue blogging even after the SKBP is over. What a waste if I didn’t educate myself to use this prices opportunity to explore more about the ICT world. By using this blogging sites, I can continue my relation with friends who are also blogging, sharing interesting information and story, make a trigger to express a new topic, this is the space where we can as medium to discuss about any issue among bloggers, also can use to help people out there who asking or having a problem than we can combine others blogger information and discussing material to solve the problems. As I know that this medium is a good an affective way to improve my writing and thinking skills why not if I’m keep using it for my own beneficial as a language student. It has train me to develop my thinking skills trough many sorts of things especially in developing in the ICT knowledge. What I want to advise to those who want to start blogging is make sure that you are discussing or write the topic that have a good content and people can get a beneficial information from your blog, if not there’s the features in blog where people can leave their comment and maybe give a negative feedback due to the article that we have post. Whatever is it, blogging is an enjoyable activity an fun to write online because our posting will be read by all the people around the world, isn’t it great.

Thanks to dearest Datin Norizan because give me this precious opportunity in helping us develop ourselves as a language students…may Allah Bless u…

One Response to “6th Posting: Experience in Blogging”

  1. norizan said

    Dear maisarah,
    Great work! you are one of those who really benefit from the blogging assignment. Look at the way how you write now compared to your first posting. Things that you have learnt from the first week when you joined my class. Continue blogging and naturally you will have more confident to write. Well done!

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